Differentiated by A Ver on GoAnimate
You can see this video here!
Video by Gabriela Davila
When I heard about Differentiating Instruction, in my classes in KSU, I thought: It is a lot of work for our teachers, they can't make a different class for each one.
Then, I read more about this, now , I understand the meaning of differentiation.
All of us have a different way to do things, a
different way to see the world, our needs and desires are not the same.
In the field of education happens the same, I
can’t have all the knowledge that my classmates or maybe I can have more
knowledge than them. We’ll need to be in the same level of knowledge so, for
this reason, the differentiated instruction is the best way to teach.
“Differentiating instruction means changing the pace, level,
or kind of instruction you provide in response to individual learner’s needs,
styles, or interest” (Heacox, 2012)
This implies that the teachers must to know all about our
diversity classroom:
Cognitive Abilities
We (as a teachers) must to know and recognize the multiple intelligence of our students.
The multiple intelligence is a theory by Howard Gardner, he
said: “intelligence is not innate and fixed that dominates all the skills and
abilities of solving problems that humans possess, determined that intelligence
is localized in different brain areas, interconnected and can also work
individually, taking ownership of widely developed if they find an environment
that offers the necessary conditions.” (Hernandez, 2011)
If we know the multiple intelligence of our students, we can personalize the works in class, the homework, and develop the multiple intelligences of all the class, for example:I have a group with verbal linguistic intelligence and other group with Logical/Mathematical intelligence, in my class. I send a homework, it consist in doing a story about the insects, the group who has verbal linguistic intelligence doesn't have problems, but the logical/mathematical group must strive and develop their skills in verbal linguistic.
Learning Profile
"Learning profiles reflect individual preferences for where, when, or how a student obtains and processes information" (Heacox, 2012)
We must to know the different ways that our students like to learn, if they need a lot of light to learn, if they need music, if they learn at night or day, if they prefer read a book than watch a movie.
Socioeconomic/Family Factors/Cultural/Ethnic Influences
It’s important know all the biography from our
If we have a complete knowledge about their, we can
find the way to teach their.
For example in our classes in KSU, the first thing
that we do is write our biography, we write our learning style, and we take a
test about our kinds of intelligence.
I think that things can be used in Ecuador, like
our teachers do in KSU.
Heacox, D. (2012). Differentiating Instruccion in
the Regular Classroom. Minneapolis: Free Spirit Publishing Inc.
Hernandez, E. (2011, Mayo 12). Psicologia On line.
Retrieved from
Hello everybody, in my last post I wrote about multiple intelligence, I did this prezi presentation to explain you about this, enjoy!
your work help to me to understand this part
ResponderEliminarMeet the students and their multiple intelligences allow us like teacher for development their skills and talents :) for me this is the base for make a better education.